
This gallery displays select pieces of Enoch's work. Please contact Mukiibi Enoch Arts for more information about his collection.

How I Miss You - SOLD

Peer Power  - SOLD

Thoughts of You  - SOLD

At the Bus Station - SOLD

Future Secured  - SOLD

Girlish Values  - SOLD

Cash and Carry Satisfaction

Colours of Friendship

I'm all Ears (The Confidant) 

Love Whispers

That Divine Moment - SOLD

Festive Mood - SOLD

A Clean Knit - SOLD

A Gasp of Breath - STOLEN 

A Song for My Love 

A Song for You - SOLD

Colorful Rendezvous - SOLD

Destiny - STOLEN

Hands full - SOLD

Homesick - SOLD

Crossroads - SOLD

Lady in Red - SOLD

Life is a Tune - SOLD

Mama's Domain - SOLD

Love Whispers - SOLD

Pea Hen Pride  - SOLD

Life is Tender  - SOLD

Music of Our Love - SOLD

My Little Aquarium -SOLD

My Little Butterfly - SOLD

Spare the Rod and Swing the Child  - STOLEN

Strong and Firm - SOLD

Table Well-laid - SOLD

The Life About - SOLD

The Song of My Life - SOLD

Water Life - SOLD